Alex Hischier


When I started working on this show, I had no idea what would emerge or where it would take me. As I got further into the process, I realized I was looking for a feeling. An intangible thing — freedom, uninhibited vulnerability. Something imperfectly itself. I approached each canvas as a tourist, as a watcher. Each surface has a history. Layers and layers of ultimately erased moments; unperceived, obscured, inside out. To tour is to turn, as on a lathe. To reveal the shape of something that was inside, to put that thing on the outside of itself. To be outside even of oneself. Failing to hide is true beauty.

Alex Hischier (b. 1980) is a painter, sculptor, and writer with a background in international affairs and a master’s in human security. Her work responds to abstract expressionists such as Willem de Kooning, Joan Mitchell, and Joe Bradley, and to the work of Joan Didion and Naomi Klein. She lives in a lesbian bookstore by the ocean.

Tourist goes live 5pm on
April 5th, 2024.
Please join us at The Bunker
for Art After Dark.